How to Remove Water Damaged Drywall

If your property experienced an interior water leak, chances are that you have some water soaked drywall on your hands. If so, you will need to take immediate action to resolve such damage in order to preserve the structural integrity of your home or building. Waiting too long to repair water damage can lead to dangerous mold growth, electrical problems, and more.

Continue reading to learn the basic steps to removing water damaged drywall, and who to call for trusted drywall replacement services near you.

Indianapolis Drywall Contractors 317-269-7319

Indianapolis Drywall Contractors 317-269-7319

It is important that you have experience in the construction industry when it comes to removing water damaged drywall. Not only will you need to ensure your work is correct and up to code, you may also require professional assistance from a plumber and electrician before any drywall and insulation replacement can ensue. Furthermore, you wouldn’t want to accidentally take out a load-bearing wall or disturb any plumbing and electrical systems. This is especially important after a major flood or water leak. It is strongly encouraged to hire a professional company for water damaged drywall repair.

If you are confident in your construction skills, you can get the project started by removing the water damaged areas of drywall soon after discovering the leak. Below you will find a list of what you will need and which steps to follow. If you have any questions, contact a licensed Indianapolis drywall contractor for professional advice and assistance.

What You Will Need:

Replacement Insulation
Pencil or Chalk
Utility Knife
Large Garbage Bags
Industrial Fans or Blowers
Safety Glasses
Full Coverage Footwear
Floor and Furniture Coverings
Moisture Meter (optional)

Getting Started:

Set Up Your Work Space

First, put on all of your personal protective gear, including gloves and safety goggles. Then prepare your work space by setting up all your materials and laying down protective floor and furniture coverings where needed. To protective floors and furniture, you can use plastic tarp or old bed sheets.

Mark the Wall

Next, mark the wall. Start at the floor and make a straight line up. You want to remove all water soaked areas, but keep in mind that you will need to go farther than where the drywall is wet since water travels upward. So make your line extend up 2 to 4 feet above the visible wet drywall. Do this on both sides so that you have two vertical lines parallel to one another. Connect them at the top, making a large square around the entire affected areas.

Begin Scoring the Surface

Take your utility knife and score the drywall along your marked lines, inserting the knife only halfway through the thickness of the wall.

Remove the Damaged Drywall

Using your hammer, carefully tap out a hole in the drywall directly beneath your top score line. Then insert your fingers into the hole and gently pull back and forth on it to loosen the affected areas away from the studs behind them. Then just manually pull out the damaged drywall and fill up your garbage bags.

Remove All Wet Insulation

Now that you have your giant hole in the wall, your next step is to remove all of the water soaked insulation. Be meticulous here, and really try to remove all of the damaged insulation, soaked and mildly damp. Water soaks into insulation deeply, allowing it to travel much further than in drywall. If you are not sure whether or not the insulation needs to be removed, remove it all. It is very cheap to replace, so it is better to be safe than sorry.

Set Up Your Fans

With all the water damaged wall and insulation removed, you are ready to set up your fans and blowers. Allow them to dry the area for 48 to 72 hours, or longer if need be. This should sufficiently increase air flow behind the walls and dry out the wooden studs and sub-floors. Set up your moisture meter as well to monitor the moisture levels around the affected area.

Indianapolis Drywall Replacement

Indianapolis Drywall Contractors 317-269-7319

Indianapolis Drywall Contractors 317-269-7319

Call Drywall by AMFA at 317-269-7319 for professional drywall replacement in Indianapolis and its surrounding areas. We are experienced drywall contractors who offer a wide range of residential and commercial drywall service, including repair, replacement, installation, new home construction, metal stud framing, custom drywall texture, grid ceilings, and much more. Call 317-269-7319 to request a free estimate, today.