How to Prep a Wall for a Heavy Mirror

If you have a heavy mirror to hang, do a good job, because you don’t want it to fall and break. After all, that could be consider bad luck! To avoid this catastrophe, be sure you prepare the wall before you begin. Not only should you choose a sturdy wall with discernible studs for hanging, but you also want to make sure you are equipped with all the proper hardware for both your mirror and the wall. All of this preparation and more makes hanging a heavy mirror easy, and a surefire success!

Continue reading to learn the step-by-step guide to prepping a wall for hanging a heavy mirror.

Indianapolis Indiana Drywall Contractors 317-269-7319
Indianapolis Indiana Drywall Contractors 317-269-7319

What You Will Need for the Job:

You can get all the tools and supplies you need for this job at any local hardware or home improvement store. You can also find them online through similar retailers. Now remember, these tools and instructions for simply prepping your wall for hanging a mirror. The actual hanging part will simply require you to have patience and precision!

► Stud Finder
► Pencil
► Weight Scale
► Thumb Tack
► Angle Brackets
► Wall Anchors

With these supplies, you are fully-equipped to prepare your wall for hanging a heavy mirror. Here is how to get started:

Step 1

Identify the type of wall you are hanging your mirror on. This is an important step because it determines whether or not your mirror hanging hardware is compatible for the job or not. Use a thumbtack to penetrate the wall. If it goes in easily, you are dealing with drywall. However, if it resists, you might have a plaster wall or a wall made from masonry.

Step 2

Continue your handyman project by using your stud finder to locate the necessary wall studs for hanging your mirror. Remember that studs might be connected to nearby outlets, faucets, and other utilities, so be careful making your selection. Always use a pencil to mark the center of the wall stud once you are set.

Step 3

Your next step is to examine your mirror for the proper hardware. New mirrors often come fitted with angle brackets, which are the pieces of hardware that go in the corners for hanging. Sometimes, the hardware will come with the mirror, but you have to attach it yourself. If you are hanging an antique mirror, it might not have any brackets at all. If this is the case, reinforce your mirror with your own angle brackets.

Step 4

Before you actually place the mirror on the wall, weight it first. Although the weight limits to hardware like angle brackets are listed on the package by the manufacturer, you cannot always trust them to be accurate. So, just hold it in your hands and step on a weight scale, like the one in your bathroom, to see just how much it really weighs. Be sure you remember to subtract your own weight from the number on the scale! Then double check to see that your hardware can oblige.

Indianapolis Drywall Repair and Installation at Your Service

Call Drywall by AMFA at 317-269-7319 for licensed Indianapolis drywall repair and installation you can afford. We are experienced drywall contractors who offer a wide range of residential and commercial drywall service, including hole in the wall repairs, replacement, installation, new home construction, metal stud framing, custom drywall texture, grid ceilings, and much more. Contact us to request a free estimate, today.