The Meaning Behind the Color of Mold on Your Walls

Mold is everywhere. It’s all around us. But there is a difference between safe mold exposure, like Bleu cheese, and dangerous mold exposure, like aspergillus. When you start to spot mold growing in your house, it is important to address the issue as soon as possible in order to prevent upper respiratory illness and other health implications. If you have mold growing on your drywall, it is an even more pressing matter, and should be inspected right away. To preface your appointment with a mold remediation company, it helps to find out which type of mold you might be dealing with. You can usually do this by simply pinpointing its color.

Continue reading to learn what the color of the mold on your wall is and what’s likely causing it, as well as how to repair moldy walls after remediation work.

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Indianapolis Indiana Drywall Replacement 317-269-7319

What Color of Mold Do You Have on Your Drywall?

Greenish-Black – Mold that appears greenish-black in color could be Stachbotrys genus, which is also known as “black mold.” Exposure to such mold has been linked to serious health conditions. It commonly grows on high-cellulose, low-nitrogen surfaces, such as drywall, gypsum board, paper, dust and lint that is constantly exposed to moisture.

Blue, Green, or White – Molds of these colors generally point to the Penicillium genus. Several years ago, this species of mold was used to make penicillin. Nowadays, it is usually found growing on food or on walls. It can cause allergic reactions, allergies, and other respiratory problems.

Olive Green, Gray, Brown, or Black – Molds that appear in these color formations likely belong to the Cladosporium genus. You can find this mold growing indoors and outdoors on things like plant leaves, soil, walls, insulation, and damp carpeting. According to the CDC, they are most commonly linked to minor health complications like skin, eye, and sinus infections; but they have also been known to brain infections like fungal meningitis.

Pink – Pink mold is often seen in the bathroom or kitchen, but it is not actually mold at all. It is a bacterium called Serratia marcescens. Although not a mold, it still presents hygiene and health issues, like urinary tract and respiratory infections.

Green – Green mold is very vague since it can be any kind of unpleasant fungus. There are literally thousands of species of green mold, so green mold doesn’t tell you much, expect that it needs to be removed.

Yellow, Green or Black – Mold that appears yellow, green, or black could possibly be Aspergillus mold. According to the CDC, we breathe these molds in almost every day without getting sick. However, concentrated exposure can be hazardous, especially for those with existing lung problems or suppressed immune systems. In individuals like these, it can cause aspergillosis, which presents itself as coughing, wheezing, and sinus inflammation.

Do you need drywall replacement after your mold remediation work is complete? Contact Drywall by Local Builders at 317-269-7319 for professional drywall services and custom drywall texture in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve both residential and commercial clients.  Request a free estimate, today!

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Indianapolis Drywall Contractors 317-269-7319

Common Wall Problems and Solutions

Drywall, or gypsum board, is beneficial for several reasons. It is fire-resistant, economical, versatile, durable, noise-mitigating, easily decorated and painted, easy to repair and replace, and much more! For this reason, it is important to take good care of your walls, and keep up with routine cleaning and repairs. Although moderate to major drywall work should be performed by a trained and certified professional who is properly equipped with the right resources, there are some wall problems you can likely tackle yourself. This will save you both time and money.

Continue below to learn some of the most common wall issues, and how to solve them.

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Indianapolis Drywall Contractors 317-269-7319

Wall Odors

Lingering wall odors are not pleasant. Worst of all, homeowners can become nose-blind to these foul smells, which can put a delay on fixing the problem. To clean walls of odor, fill a bucket with warm water and a drop or two of liquid dish soap. Using a soft sponge, start at the top of the wall and then work side-to-side on your way down. Use a step ladder to reach the upper areas. As you finish each section, use a towel to dry up any excess moisture. Then when finished, open up some windows and doors to ventilate the room and dry the walls.

Missing Studs

The most common way to locate a wall stud is to use a stud finder. If you do not have one on hand, your best option for located wall studs is to simply use your own fist. Using your knuckles, tap the wall a few times, and then horizontally move over every couple of inches and tap some more. The wall should emit a sound that implies hollowness when you tap, until you tap on a stud. When working with plaster walls, rely on your light switches. Most often, light switch plates are installed inside the first wall stud by the nearest door frame since the box that holds all the electrical wiring needs to be connected to something sturdy.

Small Holes

Large holes in the wall will require professional service, however, small ones can easily be patched up yourself. There are some basic steps to patching up a small hole in drywall. First, use a blade knife to clean up the edges of the hole; try to cut at an angle so that the interior of the hole is narrower than the hole. Next, use painter’s putty and putty knife to fill the hole. Then use the same knife to smooth out the surface, making it level to the wall. After the putty dries completely, lightly sand the area until smooth and level to the rest of the wall. Now, do these same steps, but with your spackle. Once the spackle is finished, you can paint over the spot and enjoy your accomplishment!

Sweaty Walls

If your home or commercial property has wet walls, or walls that “sweat” with condensation, then you may have a mold problem on your hands. Wet walls can be caused by several things, but mostly poor plumbing or leaky pipes. It is important to have a plumbing contractor provide professional diagnostics to determine the cause of your wet walls. Moldy wet walls will require drywall removal, drywall replacement, mold removal, plumbing repairs, water leak diagnostics, and fresh paint. All of these tasks require you to hire a professional.

Where to Find Trusted Indianapolis Drywall Contractors

Call Drywall by Local Builders at 317-269-7319 to request a free estimate for drywall repair in Indianapolis, Indiana. We offer a wide range of drywall services, for both residential and commercial properties, including new construction homes, remodels, repairs, metal stud framing, ceiling grids, and more. Request a free estimate, today.

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Indianapolis Drywall Contractors 317-269-7319